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Znajdujesz FreshMaps (NEW) - Klikasz
Pojawia ci sie link ...-> buy, klikasz
Pojawia Ci sie lista urzadzen, wybierasz swoje (7310) jest pierwszy na liscie.
Klikasz -> Add to Shoping Cart
Klikasz -> go to the shopping cart
Przekierowuje Cie na https://.... i pojawia ci sie szczegolowy opis tego co wybrales
Na dole masz 2 linki:
I would like to redeem a voucher
How it works
Wybierasz pierwszy i wprowadzasz kod, u mnie byl na ktorej stronie w takiej ksiazeczce kilkustronicowej.
Co do platnosci ja zaplacilem PayPalem. A waluty sa ogolnie w EURO. Z tego co pamietam sa tez karty kredytowe.
A na stronie jest napisane:
PayPal will always store your bank details or credit card details securely whenever you pay with PayPal. This information is never passed on to the vendor when you make a purchase. You will not be charged any extra to pay via PayPal. Register here if you do not already have a PayPal account.
Credit card
You can pay safely, directly and simply with your credit card. Please note that, for technical reasons, your account will be charged immediately once the purchase has been made. This is irrespective of the delivery date for the ordered product(s).
You can pay for your order in advance. To do this, you will need to transfer the full invoice amount within seven days. The goods will be dispatched on receipt of payment.
Cash on delivery
Simply pay for your order in cash when the item is delivered. Please note that the courier will levy an additional delivery charge of around 2 Euros for this form of payment. NAVIGON has no control over this additional charge.